Payment terminal on phone and tablet with new app - eService tom on Android

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  • eService introduces new, expanded version of its solution for accepting contactless payments via phones, tablets and other Android devices.
  • The solution uses an innovative application - eService terminal on mobile (eService tom), developed in collaboration with one of the world's largest providers of advanced payment technologies - Global Payments.
  • eService tom application will replace the solution offered so far - LikePOS. Its users will benefit from all the capabilities of the new application under unchanged conditions. All merchants need to do is download the new application and run it following the instructions provided by eService.

“Our new app allows you to conveniently use payment terminal functions on phones, tablets and other Android devices. It is based on a solution that has already been successfully tested and adopted by users in several European markets, as well as based on feedback and guidance from our customers using the LikePOS application. We offer Polish entrepreneurs a new quality of a terminal on mobile, offering more options for easy and secure payment acceptance. Noteworthy features include the ability to integrate the terminal application with other sales or customer service applications. This means time savings, greater efficiency and convenience for entrepreneurs using our application, and their customers. These advantages are why we decided to replace the existing solution, LikePOS, with the new application called ‘eService tom’," says Joanna Seklecka, CEO of eService.

eService tom - Android app terminal with new features

The new eService tom app introduces a number of features and facilitations that improve the ease and efficiency of accepting payments. It can be used for both stationary and mobile operations – anywhere there is cellular or Wi-Fi coverage. It lets you handle payment transactions made with Visa and Mastercard contactless cards, GPay (Google Pay), Apple Pay and BLIK contactless payments. It also handles other contactless payments with a watch or other virtual card carriers.

In the new solution offered by eService, users gain convenient access to transaction history and easier handling of related operations, such as transaction cancellation directly in the application. To speed up the handling of typical transactions, they can also set predefined amounts, corresponding to the value of the most frequently accepted payments, and use a number of options for generating and sending transaction confirmations. Options include e-mail, SMS or QR code, and thanks to the ability to connect to a USB/Bluetooth printer, the traditional paper form.

An important feature of the solution is the ability to integrate the eService tom application with other sales or customer service applications. It makes it applicable, for example, in catering establishments, where it works with order processing systems, or in minibuses, where it works with ticketing applications.

LikePOS successor with new prospects

The introduction of the new application for accepting payments via Android phones and other devices is part of an effort to significantly increase the usability and versatility of such solutions. eService plans to increase their capabilities by adding more supported payment methods such as BLIK codes.

The capabilities of eService tom exceed those offered by LikePOS. This makes that with the release of the new application, the latter will be withdrawn from the offer, and shortly thereafter completely disabled.

Terminal on the phone free of charge - with the support of the Cashless Poland Program

Those entrepreneurs who have not used payment terminals in the past year and are interested in starting to accept payments using their own device with the eService tom application can take advantage of funding under the Cashless Poland Program. The financing will give them free use of the terminal for 12 months. For more information visit

Regardless of whether an entrepreneur takes advantage of the Cashless Development Support Program or commercial offerings, to start using the new application and turn their Android device into a convenient and mobile payment terminal, they should have or enter into an agreement with eService. After that, they need to download and install the eService tom application and follow simple instructions received via a welcome email. For detailed information on the subject visit:

The eService tom application is compatible with devices running at least Android 8.1 with NFC functionality, without limiting the functionality and performance of the device on which it runs.

Podcast [PL] - more about eService tom:


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eService is owned by Global Payments Inc. (NYSE: GPN) and PKO Bank Polski. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Global Payments has approximately 27,000 employees worldwide, is a Fortune 500® company and a member of the S&P 500. It s business spans North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America.
For more information on Global Payments Inc. (NYSE: GPN) visit and follow Global Payments on X    (@globalpayinc) – formerly Twitter, LinkedIn oraz Facebook.