Changes in the rules of providing DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) services related to the amendment of European legal regulations, effective from 19 April 2020
As of 19 April 2020, new rules for the provision of DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) services will apply, set out in Regulation (EU) No 2019/518 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2019 (EU DCC Regulation).
Who and what do the changes relate to?
The legal regulations in question are mandatory and apply to all entities participating in the provision of DCC services within the European Union. They include payment organisations, acquirers and all DCC providers and merchants offering the service to retail customers - payment card users.
The new rules of providing DCC services entail changes to be introduced in the way sales and terminal systems used to handle DCC transactions operate.
What changes and since when?
Visa and Mastercard payment organizations have recently started to partially implement new requirements for payment operations performed in a currency other than PLN. Their effect was, among other things, the need to adjust the content of confirmations printed for card payments made in foreign currencies (other than PLN).
Currently, the new provisions related to EU DCC Regulation also introduce specific requirements on how to perform DCC services, also with regard to the content of messages presented during transactions on terminal screens. They also set a deadline of 19 April 2020 for their implementation.
What should be done?
In terminals and systems owned by eService, all necessary changes will be automatically implemented before the new rules come into force and require no technical action from terminal users.
For systems where displayed messages or printouts are generated by non-eService owned devices using third party software, the implementation of changes is the responsibility of the company and the providers of its solutions (e.g. checkout system). In order to facilitate and streamline the process of implementing the necessary changes, these customers and the suppliers of their checkout systems can use solutions developed and recommended by eService.
What are the solutions recommended by eService and how to use them?
eService experts have developed a set of ready-made solutions in accordance with the requirements of new European regulations and the requirements of payment organisations. They contain, among other things, examples of printouts necessary to support DCC transactions and the recommended appearance of terminal screens presenting the content and layout of messages appearing at individual stages of transaction handling. The proposals prepared by eService have been successfully verified for compliance with formal requirements and the screen designs have been highly appreciated by the customers - card users - who tested them as part of UX tests.
Information about the possibility of free use of eService solutions enabling quick and efficient adaptation of systems to the new requirements of EU DCC Regulation has already been provided to companies delivering systems for our Customers. Please contact your supplier about this.
If you have any other questions, please contact your customer advisor or one of our consultants at +48 22 533 22 22.
Information for retailers - leaflets in language versions
The most important information about changes in regulations and current recommendations on how to serve customers can be found in the leaflet that we have prepared for the retailers serving the terminals.
You can download it here:
ENG - DCC NEW RULES OF SERVICE - for printing on your own printer.
ENG - DCC NEW RULES OF SERVICE - for professional printing.
CZ - DCC NEW RULES OF SERVICE - for printing on your own printer.
CZ - DCC NEW RULES OF SERVICE - for professional printing.
HUN - DCC NEW RULES OF SERVICE - for printing on your own printer.
HUN - DCC NEW RULES OF SERVICE - for professional printing.
RO - DCC NEW RULES OF SERVICE - for printing on your own printer.
RO - DCC NEW RULES OF SERVICE - for professional printing.
SLO - DCC NEW RULES OF SERVICE - for printing on your own printer.
SLO - DCC NEW RULES OF SERVICE - for professional printing.