Principles of Corporate Governance adopted by eService
Information on implementation of Principles of Corporate Governance in Centrum Elektronicznych Usług Płatniczych eService Sp. z o.o.
eService has adopted and applies „The Principles of Corporate Governance for Supervised Institutions" issued by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority constituting an appendix to the Resolution No. 218/2014 of 22 July 2014 („Principles”), by incorporating them in the General Meeting adopted document ESERVICE PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE and relevant normative acts and internal regulations. These principles were implemented with the following exclusion:
Unit of subdivision | Principle | Reason for exclusion |
§ 13 ust. 1. | The governing body should be collective.The governing body should be collective. | The principle of collectivity of the Management Board does not apply in the Company. The Company has a transparent structure adequate to the scale and nature of its business, in which the reporting lines, tasks and the scope of duties and responsibilities are clearly assigned and appropriately divided. The organizational structure covers and reflects the entire area of the Company's operations, clearly distinguishing each key function within the performed tasks. The President of the Management Board is authorised to manage the Company's affairs due to his knowledge, experience and skills necessary to perform the entrusted function, guaranteeing the proper performance of the duties entrusted to him. In addition, in order to ensure the best possible implementation of the objectives and standards of the Global Payments group, which the Company is part of, the Company has been included in the reporting structure within the group, enabling it to take advantage of the synergies of the relevant teams of Global Payments group entities, in the form of a matrix structure. |
§ 22 ust. 1. | The composition of a supervised institution's supervisory body shall include an appropriate proportion of independent members, and where possible, appointed from among candidates identified by minority shareholders. Independence is manifested, most of all, in lack of direct and indirect connections with the supervised institution, members of the management and supervisory bodies, significant shareholders and entities related to them. | The Company does not apply the independence principle in relation to the Members of the Supervisory Board, understood as ensuring an appropriate proportion of independent members in its composition, as considering the Company ownership structure (no free float) the risk of inappropriate protection of minority Shareholders despite the lack of application of the said principle is non-existent. |
The Supervisory Board of eService Sp. z o.o. positively assessed the use of The eService Principles of Corporate Governance in 2023.