zagadnienia techniczne eService

eService TRA

Transaction risk analysis is an exemption from the requirements for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

TRA is only applicable to EEA- and UK-issued payment cards.

With TRA, merchants can leverage SCA waivers for qualifying, lower-risk transactions. This service uses eService’s processing experience and risk algorithms to flag low-risk transactions. If the card-issuing bank accepts the exemption request, the transaction will not require SCA. If the card-issuing bank rejects the transaction as to high risk, they can soft-decline it, requiring the cardholder to authenticate themselves.

TRA exemptions can only be applied to e-commerce transactions up to £440, the actual exemption amount permissible will depend on the acquirer reference fraud rate (which may fluctuate).

This is the value to which the TRA can be applied.

Reference Fraud Rate is the total value of all unauthorized or fraudulent remote transactions divided by the total value of all remote transactions for the same type of transactions, whether authenticated with SCA or by using an exemption.

TRA is only applicable to EEA- and UK-issued cards.

Yes. 3DS must be supported on all e-commerce channels. Cardholders need to use 3DS to authenticate transactions rated as medium/high risk and therefore not approved for TRA.

Just agree to enable the service. We will verify the possibility of activating the service individually for each merchant. We analyse, among other things, whether the transactions have been executed correctly for at least 6 months.

Where a TRA exemption is requested and applied by the acquirer on behalf of the merchant, the merchant is liable for any fraud (including any related chargebacks) resulting from the transaction. Any merchant availing of eService TRA exemptions must be willing to both accept eService’s TRA decision and take on the fraud liability risk.

The service may involve a subscription fee depending on the payment cards’ turnover.

Transactional data will continue to be provided by your Service Provider in the same way as without TRA.

TRA focuses on maximising your revenue and minimising fraud by analysing transactions prior to authentication and authorisation in order to filter out fraud attempts, maximise the use of acquirer-requested exemptions and frictionless authentication and reduce payment declines.

Helping our customers to streamline payments whilst reducing fraud risk reduces our risk where merchants take on the fraud liability (as in TRA). This also reduces the overall fraud rate, keeping our TRA exemption threshold value as high as possible.

Want to learn more? Contact our advisors by phone, chat or form. We will be happy to answer all your questions.

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